
Becoming Like Christ 5.0

Community is vital to true spiritual formation and mission.
Jesus chose to gather a small group of men. He knew their growth would occur in his presence as they lived day-to-day together in the Jerusalem and surrounding regions. Like the first disciples, our learning to become like Jesus also occurs in community.   Our becoming like Christ is best worked out in marriage, parenting, work environments, social groups, with acquaintances and close friends. It is through interacting with other imperfect people do we learn to be like Christ: patient, honest, caring, loving, etc. In community we also gain understanding, wisdom, and accountability from others. As Trinitarian image bearers we are communal, desiring the company of others. Formation can be fostered when we seek the company of other believers who like us desire to be more and more like Jesus. Commitment to this type of formation community is exactly where the ‘spurring on’ occurs. A community becoming like Christ is a community on mission: pursuing holiness and sharing Christ with a needy world (Js 1:27).

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