
Beoming Like Christ 3.0

Spiritual formation begins, progresses, and continues in love. 
The restoring and perfecting of a broken humanity is accomplished within a Trinitarian reality: the Father purposes salvation, the Son accomplishes it, and the Spirit makes it efficacious. For those who believe, the Trinitarian work of salvation continues in sanctification– our becoming like Christ– so that we can humanity. This becoming like Christ is exactly what the Father intends for his children, accomplished daily by the ministry of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 3.18). The Gospel then is the basis for our Spiritual formation. God’s kingdom program is Christo-centric, centered on God’s overarching redemptive plan for his creation as purposed, revealed, and consummated in the person and work of Jesus Christ: this is the “good news”. With spiritual formation there is an important distinction between the “good news” of personal salvation and the “good news” of God’s larger Kingdom program. The “good news” of salvation begins one’s journey of participating in God’s kingdom program while being transformed on the way towards eternal glory (Rom 8:28-30). Our salvation is certainly sealed as a one time event but becoming more and more like Jesus is a spirit-fueled journey.

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